This Thanksgiving we went to the Callahan's for the second year. I was a slacker and didn't take pictures until after dinner and when we had Declan's early birthday celebration. Complete with cupcakes and presents. Althought his 1st birthday wasn't until the next day I thought it would be nice to share with some friends. The cupcake started out rather neat but as you can see, it got a little messy!

I love this picture! He pretends he's shy when women talk to him and my friend Renee was talking to him when he did this. So cute!

I just had to give him some fresh strawberries to balance out the cupcake. I know it's his birthday but I couldn't resist. He loves his fruit!

Opening presents at the Callahan's. He was so interested in checking out the first present that we had to start the second one for him. I'm just happy he tried to open as many as he did.

The next day we had a little birthday celebration, just the 4 of us and Declan opened some more presents. He got a pair of shoes from Grandma and Grandpa and he just loved them. He held on to those shoes for a good while!

He was really unsure about opening this present because it was furry.

Of course Ian came to help and then proceeded to take over the "GA Gator" briefly.

Declan got over the odd feeling of the furry new friend and now loves giving him hugs!

I then had to wrestle Ian down for taking the gator from his brother which turned into the wrestle with mommy game. Now anytime I'm on the floor the boys tackle me. I love my boys!

Renee just sent me a couple picture of her son Emry and Ian from Thanksgiving that I thought I would share. They were taking a break from running around like crazies to watch a few minutes of cartoons!