You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. Desmond Tutu
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Potty Training part 2
So we decided to do the potty training thing again since Ryan is now home to help (THANK YOU GOD!) and Declan is totally ready! We are using the 3 day potty training method that was incredibly successful for Ian! For all intents purposes it has worked. We are on our 4th day and I'm sooooo wondering if we will ever leave the house again without me having the fear of an accident, but I know I'm stressing out and it's not helping him. He has had 3 nights without accidents and he's only had one tiny accident today so I would say he's doing great. It's all about my fears now. I just need to get out of the way! Like Declan told me yesterday morning "me baby no more, BIG BOY!" I guess I need to let my baby grow up! : (

Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter 2010!
It's amazing how when things don't go the way YOU think they should on holidays it can start to ruin your day, but I was not going to let that happen! The boys and I woke up and got ready for church, which was AMAZING! I love my church and it really has become like a second family for us!

We came home and got ready for our culdesac egg hunt. Basically two other parents and myself hid about 150 plastic eggs all over the yards of 4 houses and then let the 7 kids go. They had so much fun even if it was cold (in the 30's)!

Declan got tired of looking for eggs and jumped on Ian's bike! Until Ian realized it and made him go get his own bike!

We ended up doing Easter baskets right before dinner and the boys loved it! They especially loved the banks from Ninna and Pappap filled with candy! THANK YOU NINNA AND PAPPAP! I also had to put the truly happy pictures on here and then the "posed" pictures. Can you tell how thrilled they are in the "posed", these boys crack me up!

We came home and got ready for our culdesac egg hunt. Basically two other parents and myself hid about 150 plastic eggs all over the yards of 4 houses and then let the 7 kids go. They had so much fun even if it was cold (in the 30's)!
We ended up doing Easter baskets right before dinner and the boys loved it! They especially loved the banks from Ninna and Pappap filled with candy! THANK YOU NINNA AND PAPPAP! I also had to put the truly happy pictures on here and then the "posed" pictures. Can you tell how thrilled they are in the "posed", these boys crack me up!
Easter Egg Hunt at Ft Richardson
So the day before Easter Ft Richardson had a Easter Egg Hunt for all the kids and since I didn't know if there would be another chance I took them. It also gave Ryan a chance to work on his paper for school in peace. All I can say is CHAOS! It was organized by age but it was still a little crazy.
Before the chaos started!
I know it's kinda ghetto to use grocery bags for an egg hunt, but their baskets were too big for them to maneuver. Besides, at least they were reusable bags! : )

The drive back home and Potter's Marsh
So we left Seward a day early simply because there was not a whole lot to do, at least when you have two little ones in tow. The drive home was amazing though! The boys are such good travelers, thank you GOD!
You know my love of signs and here is another one!
A little avalanche we actually got a picture of.

The beauty of Alaska still amazes me!
Potter Marsh - partially defrosted.
One of the few times the boys slowed down long enough to sit with me.
Declan didn't feel the need for another picture!
We Are Penn State!
This was such a freak picture. Ryan did a great job at catching him in a "cheese" moment!
Peek a Boo!
Checking out the bear info.

My warm welcome back from my boys!
Taking a job down the boardwalk. They have so much energy!
Declan was consoling Ian, because he was upset about loosing the race. I'm so glad they have each other!
Seward - Alaska Sealife Center/Playground Day
The main reason for us coming down here was to take the boys to the Sea Life Center. It's like an aquarium but a little smaller. The boys loved it and we ran through it in record time I'm sure.
We were eating lunch in the van before we went in and actually saw some sea otters playing in the water. It was so cool!
Our view from the parking lot! AWESOME!

Ian checking out the difference between seal fur and otter fur. " Otter fur is very soft, I like it better" (Ian).
Declan driving the crab boat.
Ryan and the boys checking out the Salmon.
This Harbor Seal was very interested in people and so very cute!

Declan was showing Ian his boo boo.
Ian decided he needed to take a rest and laid down on the floor under some chairs. He's so cute!

After we finished at the Sea Life Center we walked down the bike path to a really cool play ground that the boys totally loved! We put their snow pants on and away they went!

After we finished at the Sea Life Center we walked down the bike path to a really cool play ground that the boys totally loved! We put their snow pants on and away they went!
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