Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ryan's Big Project!

Ryan and I have been looking for a new setup for the playroom/family room because the current one is just a little shabby (not in a chic way either). Apparently I was so embarrassed about the set up this was the only picture I could find with some of the furniture in it. We still have the little table and chairs for coloring and such but the scribbled chest of drawers and pathetic tv stand are GONE GONE GONE!

Ryan found what he wanted in a Pottery Barn Kids catalog and so the search was on in local stores here for the same idea. We found one that kind of fit the bill but it would definitely be "settling" and my mom didn't raise me that way! Ryan felt like he could build it for less than they were asking and we could stain it whatever color we wanted. With two boys that are rough on furniture I was willing to let him do it and the words "less expensive" were music to my ears!

I was a tad apprehensive due to the fact that the last thing I saw him build was this desk that was a little "over built" in my opinion, but what the heck! I didn't know if he would have the time to finish it but boy was I wrong! One thing about my husband that I'm constantly learning is that if he puts his mind to something, he's going to follow through every time! He's so awesome! Ok, that's enough of that. I don't want him getting too full of himself. ; ) Anyways, here was some before the stain look.

With the stain. I got to pick out the color and I'm super pleased with how it came out. I did want it darker but this was a good compromise between Ryan and I. It's very similar to our living room furniture color!

The whole set up just brought in from the garage! I'm so proud! We got a new tv too on killer deal with built in dvd player! It looks a little dwarfed surrounded by the shelves but it's still bigger than what they had before and way more safe!

I have special made bins on order for the upper cubes from and I can't wait to get them! I love!

1 comment:

  1. OMG that is awesome! If you had told me how good he was at building things, we probably could have put him to work. It looks great, I am jealous! We miss you guys and AK so much. We are thinking about a fishing trip this summer, we'll let you know. Hope everything else is going good.
