YEAH FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! The other day we had our friend Rose and her kids (Baylee and Jack) over for some Christmas fun! I made some sugar cookies and the kids went to town decorating them. It was seriously so much fun and the kids did such a good job! I didn't know that it was possible but I'm totally loving Christmas so much more with the kids getting older. They're into doing fun stuff like decorating cookies or making ornaments which I love love love!


Declan's masterpiece, partially eaten of course.

Baylee's lovely cookie art.

I love Baylee's face here! She cracks me up! She has a hard time keeping her eyes open for pictures so she opens her eyes as far as she can get them and it is hilarious!

This takes some serious concentration!

Ian's seriously iced cookies! Beautiful!

I know we are a little farther along now but I just wanted to show some love to my Grandmother-in-law that made this lovely advent calendar for me! She is awesome, such a blessing, and I love her! Thanks Mary!
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