Merry Christmas from Alaska! This was our first Christmas in Alaska with solely the four of us and no other family. It was actually a little weird for me since I'm so use to the craziness of the LaMarca family Christmas Eve extravaganza and then opening presents on Christmas morning at my parents' house and then traveling to Ryan's family's house. The busyness of this season is something that I missed but at the same time it was really peaceful to spend time with just us and then later with friends for dinner. The boys had so much fun and really loved all their gifts. Thank you all who sent love and gifts to us in the freezey north and we have been greatly blessed this year!

Our beautiful Christmas tree that we finally took out of the box after purchasing it 3 years ago! It was well worth braving the day after Christmas sale at Target all those years ago!


Christmas eve Ian made sure we left cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer! The next morning we found a letter from Santa sealed with Santa's wax seal.

Ian and Declan both got their Pillow Pets that I really didn't want to deal with but they separately picked them out for each other. How could I say no to that?

Cabelas' fun action sets from Grandma and Grandpa. Ryan enjoyed them just as much as the boys did. You'll see proof of this later.

Space station for Ian and fire station for Declan from Nana and Uncle Andrew.

Hunter Dan from Cabelas' set up by Ryan.

Lovin the space shuttle!
Future "fire fighter man" as he puts it.

Uncle Zach got us all gifts from the different countries he visited and Ryan had a little fun with Hunter Dan and Ian's elephant.
One more Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy Birthday Jesus from those of us at Fort Rich, Alaska!
That is so funny howmuch of the oys gifts were the same under our tree. Joshua got his long awaited Pillow pet from Santa, and he was thrilled.