I honestly think that this is one of our favorite places to go hiking/hang out lately. The boys call it the beach. It saddens me that this is what they think a beach is like, but until I can prove otherwise it's what we call it.

I'm so glad it was such an amazingly beautiful day! I wish we had a canoe with us to go out on the lake. Maybe next time!

Ian wiggling his toes in the small little patch of sand. He is so my child!

Declan has this love of dogs! I'm sure I've talked about it before but I've been trying to teach him not to just walk up to dogs that don't know him. So this is him introducing himself to this puppy after saying "Owner, can I pet your dog?". This question gets asked a lot if we are around dogs!

Smiling Ian...I love that face!

Once again, the rock throwing commences!
Hiking up the hill to head back to the car.

Mr. Pouty Pants didn't want to leave the "beach"!

Check out my belly! He doesn't like when Ian's upset.
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