Thursday, June 2, 2011

One step closer...

One step closer to race day and I'm feeling more motivated by fear than anything! This journey has been a really good one and I've never looked forward to crossing a finish line so much!! I've learned more about myself than I ever thought possible. I've learned that I'm way harder on myself than I need to be (I'm working on that). I've learned that running is sometimes more about the mental rather than the physical (sometimes!). And finally, it's better to be under trained and healthy than to go in to the event over trained and injured (not sure how many times the coaches said this but it is permanently in my brain).

I'm excited to report that if feel like I'm fairly well trained and healthy! As long as the next 16 days go smoothly race day will come and go, but our fight for a cure will still be there! The more you can help the better! I'm excited to do my part for the fight against leukemia and lymphoma but I couldn't and I still can't without the help of my friends and family. Any little bit helps! I have a link to my fundraising page if you would like to donate online or feel free to send me an email and I will give you my address. Thank to all!

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