Friday, October 23, 2009

Sorry for the delay...

So it's been a little while since I last posted anything simply because Declan and I were sick (and no, it wasn't the swine flu!).  But I knew Declan was feeling better when he was running around like his normal self this morning.  He has been really enjoying coloring lately which I'm totally excited about but today I had a little surprise!  After he was done coloring he came to me and was saying his nose hurt.  I didn't think anything of it since I've been wiping his nose constantly and it looked like it was sore.  But he kept telling me it hurt so I took him to the bathroom to spray some saline up there.  It sucks but it does help you breath better when your sick.  Anyways, low and behold, this is what popped out of his nose.  For those of you that don't know, it's the tip of a crayon!  No wonder he was telling me it hurt.  I guess he is doing yet another thing I never had to worry about from Ian!  Nothing like keeping me on my toes!  Oh, the fun of having little kids!

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